Join Miami Sephardic Club’s Matchmaking database on the Loop app

msc's matchmaking loop app

Welcome to MSC Match Making

Welcome to MSC Match Making! We are an exclusive romantic matchmaking and date coaching service focused on setting up young Jewish couples internationally. Best part, our services are free. We specifically focus on helping members in the 20’s and 30’s within the sephardic community, but do have capabilities to match ashkenazi clientele as well. We matchmake using the innovative a Loop app, which was designed to help connect singles through organic referrals.

Dating in this generation is tough and there are more people in their late 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s who are single than ever. We believe the problem is due to a variety of factors, which include: i) growth of the internet and online dating, ii) social media, and iii) generational dating patterns. There are more people to choose from than ever yet it’s harder than ever for our members to find the “right one”. We are here to solve this problem.


We have a growing database of single jews across North and South America and we are laser focused on introducing serious dates to each other. Here is how we are different from any matchmaker:

We are a community of young professionals who are tapping into our network to help each other out

The traditional matchmaker is often in an older age bracket from the people being set up. We are a large team of like-minded young professionals here to support eachother. We have the ability to vet each of the candidates through interviews with their friends and colleagues.

We have a growing database that includes Jews of every religious and community / cultural background.

Our members often have a preference on the religious, kosher, spiritual, and shabbat observance of their matches. They also can have a preference on their match’s community background. Our database is extensive. We have everything you need!

We have serious dating candidates across every world center in North and South America

We have people in every major sephardic center in North and South America. Our database also includes members who can speak multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French and Hebrew. We have members interested in dating long distance too. We got you covered

Our matchmaking pricing is action based and you are only charged upon us yielding actual results.

Pricing for matchmaking services is as follows:


  • $150 initial interview

    • Initial conversation will take place with on our matchmakers and to cover candidate’s dating preferences, and cultural, religious, and personal background

  • $150 “à la carte” pricing for first dates with our matches

    • Payment due within 24 hours of the set date

    • MSC will only introduce you to candidates who are interested in you and are interested in seeking a serious relationship

  • $10,000 success fee if you marry your match 

    • Payment due within 30 days of the wedding

    • We only get paid for getting you to the chupa

Let's get started!

Contact @daviddbehar_ on Instagram to discuss your matchmaking needs